
Our Premium Sponsors

Thanks to our premium sponsors we can make it happen. Every year they support us with a donation. They are also an Event Host. Their support is a key role in our success, that’s how we can make the difference. Their generosity encourages us to continue to organize great Events. We greatly appreciate the trust they have in .NET Zuid. We are proud to have them as part of our User Group and look forward to continued collaboration in the future.

Would you also like to become a Premium Sponsor and showcase your company?

Send an email to info@dotnetzuid.nl

Premium sponsors

Our Event Hosts

Thanks to our Event Hosts we are able to realize our Events. The resources and opportunities that Event Hosts offer are crucial to ensure that we can organize great Events for software developers.

Would you also like to host an Event and showcase your company?

That's really simple!

What do you have to do?

What can't you do? 

What do you get in return?

We're always looking for Event Hosts, so don't hesitate and contact us now!

Send an email to info@dotnetzuid.nl