Privacy Policy

The .NET Zuid user group is established as a foundation. We include your data, such as name, email address, zipcode, and company name, in a database. Your data is used solely for registration at Events and to send you personally addressed emails or the periodic newsletter, provided you have signed up for it.

Your data, along with information about you, may be analyzed to tailor the information and/or Events as much as possible to your interests. We may send you this information and/or offers via email. We only do this when you have explicitly given your consent. Furthermore, you can request, modify, and ask to delete your own data. To do so, send an email with your personal data to

.NET Zuid can only organize Events with the help of sponsors/hosts. A company that hosts an Event does not receive a list of names of those who have registered for the Event, except when this is explicitly necessary in connection with the access and security policy of the Event host. Email addresses are expressly not provided.

Your data, except for the aforementioned exception, is not shared with third parties.
