No Show Policy

Events at .NET Zuid are free for attendees. Over the past few years, we've tried to reduce the number of no-shows by tracking attendance at our events. But too often, we experience people not showing up without canceling. This incurs significant costs.

Despite our efforts to track attendance and personally inform no-shows, there are still about 5 to 20 people who fail to show up at an Event. This cannot continue. Hence, this no-show policy.

You can always cancel your registration free of charge up to the date specified for each event. If you're too late, we can no longer adjust the number of meals ordered, which then has to be paid for by the event host.

If you are canceling too late, or not at all, you will receive a payment request, and your account will be blocked. Once your payment is validated, your account will be reactivated. With this money, we can compensate our Event Host for the excess meals ordered. However, there is still the human footprint: We hope that the members of .NET Zuid will make an effort to prevent the waste of money and food.

Extenuating Circumstances: Of course, it may happen that you are ill or unable to attend for other serious reasons. In such cases, you can still contact us BEFORE the start of the event at the phone number provided in the reminder email.