What’s new in C# 10

Wed 03 Nov 2021 Sioux Technologies, Eindhoven

In this session you will learn about the new features of C# 10 which will be part of Visual Studio 2022 and the .NET 6 release later this month. We will focus on the most important features because there's just too much to tell in the limited time of this session.

  • Records and Parameterless constructor Structs
  • Global using directives & File-scoped namespaces
  • Improved interpolated strings
  • Extended property patterns
  • Lambda improvements and attributes
  • Caller argument expression

So: if you're a C# developer and you want to know what cool features you can start using soon, come join this session! Your code will look and perform better!!


  • 17:30 - 18:30 Walk-in and dinner
  • 18:30 - 19:15 What’s new in C# 10 - Part I
  • 19:15 - 19:30 Break
  • 19:30 - 20:15 What’s new in C# 10 - Part II
  • 20:15 - 21:00 Drinks and socializing

Event Host

Logo Sioux Technologies

Event Host

Logo Sioux Technologies


Fons Sonnemans
Fons Sonnemans
Reflection IT

Fons Sonnemans is a well-known speaker at conferences and seminars and also a Microsoft MVP. He is known for his up-to-date and expert knowledge of the latest Microsoft technologies. He has been using Microsoft .NET technology intensively since 2001, because it allows him to apply his knowledge and experience to business critical situations. As a trainer, speaker, coach and developer at Reflection IT, he likes to share this knowledge and experience on a daily basis. Fons Sonnemans also has a passion for developing Windows apps. He has created numerous apps, some of which are very successful.

Sioux Technologies, Eindhoven

Esp 405
5633 AJ  Eindhoven