Supermodels, who doesn't want to work with them?

Tue 26 Jan 2021 Online

Sioux Supermodels is a workbench written in C# using the power of WPF. There is a strong focus on visual 'languages'. Many are available: decomposition, state machines, fluid and motion systems and many more. Adding languages is easy, so adding a language for your domain can help you bridge the gap between software engineers and domain experts. Generators produce all kinds of artifacts to your specific needs. Generic C#, Cpp and Structured Text are examples. Generators are also written in C#, but you are free to use any templating engine that can work with C# like T4 or Razor. This presentation will demonstrate how multi-disciplinary projects benefit from common visual languages and dives in on how to create your own languages, generators and models.


  • 18:45 - 19:00 Check-in and watch previews
  • 19:00 - 19:10 Welcome and intro
  • 19:10 - 20:00 Supermodels, who doesn't want to work with them?
  • 20:00 - 20:30 Questions and wrap-up
  • 20:30 - 21:00 Social time!

Event Host

Logo Sioux Technologies

Event Host

Logo Sioux Technologies


Robert Hendriksen
Robert Hendriksen
Sioux Technologies

Robert has been programming since he was 11 years old, and there has always been a strong attraction for Microsoft tech. He has been working at Sioux Technologies as a software architect since 2008. In that role he has applied his model/domain driven approach in many projects. Robert also has a strong passion for holistic system engineering. This takes the domain driven approach to the next level by using inter domain feedback loops, made possible by a visual modelling approach.