Scrum Patterns and Linux for Windows devs

Wed 27 Jun 2018 Vecozo, Tilburg

Session 1: Help! They want me to use Linux! by Bart Kooijmans

In the recent years, Microsoft has become more aware of Linux and open source software. .Net Core is a big hit, Sql Server runs on Linux, they open source everything. You’re using or deploying other people’s software and now you’re asked about Linux. But how are you as a Microsoft minded developer fitting in to this all. You’re quite comfortable in your all Microsoft setup and now you need to use Linux. HELP!

In this session, we'll use SSH to connect to a linux machine; show the basic commands; deploy/copy some executable or binaries to the machine; and finally, run an executable using Mono.Net and .Net Core.

You'll learn that Linux is easy and there is nothing to be afraid of. 

Session 2: Scrum Patterns by Jowen Mei

Do you think the Scrum Guide is too vague? Do you want to improve your Scrum adoption? Do you want to have some extra tools in your belt?

In this sneak preview, you'll get an introduction into Scrum Patterns.

In recent years the Scrum Patterns Group has evolved a comprehensive set of patterns for Scrum that allow teams to try proven approaches that have worked in many companies. While the Scrum Guide provides the basic rules of Scrum, the patterns amplify the guide by showing teams how to solve problems in a specific context.

Scrum should be fast, easy, and fun. For many new Scrum Masters, it is slow, hard, and painful. Using proven patterns for starting up a new team or accelerating an existing team can rapidly eliminate a lot of Scrum Master headaches.


  • 17:30 - 18:30 Walk-in and dinner
  • 18:30 - 19:15 Session 1: Help! They want me to use Linux!
  • 19:15 - 19:30 Break
  • 19:30 - 20:30 Session 2: Scrum Patterns
  • 20:30 - 21:00 Drinks and socializing

Event Host

Logo Vecozo

Event Host

Logo Vecozo


Bart Kooijmans
Bart Kooijmans
Team Rockstars IT

Bart Kooijmans has been working as a .Net developer for 10 years and has seen different business aspects and markets in these years. This broad experience aids him in designing and implementing lots of different projects and scenarios. Now specializing as a backend developer with the Microsoft stack, he works with Microsoft Azure, C# AND Linux daily. Merging the two classic mastodons Microsoft and Linux together in one project is now easier than ever and combining experience on both worlds is his favorite topic to present and share.

Jowen Mei Photo
Jowen Mei

I have over ten years of experience as a software engineer, mostly in the Microsoft landscape. Since 2010, I have gained experience with agile environments and have grown to Scrum Master.

I'm always looking for ways to improve individuals, the team and the organisation. Whether it is on a technical, process or personal level. 

I love working with people! (they don't always love working with me :p).

Vecozo, Tilburg

Dr. Anton Philipsweg 35
5026 RK  Tilburg