Save your relation with a Graph

Wed 04 Jul 2018 Belvedair (La Place) Eindhoven Airport

As a NoSQL database technology, the Graph database is still relatively unknown. But it has a lot of great applications. Graph databases are not new, but only recently Microsoft supports Graph databases by means of Azure Cosmos DB.

A Graph database is better than SQL in handling complex relations between entities. One could say that a Graph database is more relational than a relational database. As a result, some type of problems are easier to solve using a Graph database; faster and with less frustration.

What to expect during the evening:  after a short introduction into Graph theory and into Graph databases, we will define some typical use cases for Graph databases. When does a Graph database beat the competition of SQL and other NoSQL solutions?

For the main part of the evening the focus will be on practical modelling, implementation and use of Graph databases in .NET. We will show query and code examples for two flavours: Cosmos DB with Gremlin and Neo4j with Cypher.


  • 17:30 - 18:30 Walk-in and dinner
  • 18:30 - 19:15 Part 1
  • 19:15 - 19:30 Break
  • 19:30 - 20:15 Part 2
  • 20:15 - 21:00 Drinks and socializing

Event Host

Betabit Logo

Event Host

Betabit Logo


Daniël Winkel
Daniël te Winkel

Working over 25 years in the field, Daniël is an experienced software developer. Since .NET 2.0 he is professionally using C# and .NET. For the last few years Daniël is an active Azure Developer and Azure Architect for Betabit. Together with and for their customers, he creates valuable software based on Azure PaaS. This is done with great fun and passion. He also speaks at events such as the Global Azure Bootcamp.

Belvedair (La Place) Eindhoven Airport

Luchthavenweg 25-103
5657 EA  Eindhoven