Getting Started with VueJS

Wed 03 Oct 2018 IJK, Helmond

Vue is a framework for enhancing a page or building a full-size SPA. In this talk, Shawn will show you how to get started with Vue and explain how it is a compelling alternative to Angular and React.


  • 17:30 - 18:45 Arrival and dinner
  • 18:45 - 19:45 Session Shawn
  • 19:45 - 21:00 Drinks and socializing

Event Host

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Event Host

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Shawn Wildermuth
Shawn Wildermuth

Shawn Wildermuth has been tinkering with computers and software since he got a Vic-20 back in the early ‘80s. As a Microsoft MVP since 2003, he’s also involved with Microsoft as an ASP.NET Insider and ClientDev Insider. He’s the author of over twenty Pluralsight courses, written eight books, an international conference speaker, and one of the Wilder Minds. He’s also making his first, feature-length, documentary about software developers today called “Hello World: The Film”. You can see more about it at  

IJK, Helmond

Vlamovenweg 4
5708 HZ  Helmond


De Brink

For more information, see the map on the website of Brainport Human Campus: Plattegrond Brainport Human Campus


There are free parking spaces at IJK.