Entity Framework Core Pitfalls

Mon 21 Jun 2021 Online

In this online talk, we'll see some general pitfalls developers might fall into when working with Entity Framework Core and receive advice on avoiding them. From typical setups, naming conventions, patterns, database migrations, and query performance.


  • 18:45 - 19:00 Check-in
  • 19:00 - 19:05 Welcome and intro
  • 19:05 - 20:35 Entity Framework Core Pitfalls
  • 20:35 - 20:45 Questions and wrap-up
  • 20:45 - 21:00 Social time!

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Event Host

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Khalid Abuhakmeh
Khalid Abuhakmeh

Khalid Abuhakmeh is a JetBrains .NET Developer Advocate with 15+ years in the .NET space. Khalid blogs about his .NET adventure at his well-known blog, primarily focusing on ASP.NET technology, web technologies, and database tooling. He is also notable for his .NET tips that have gained popularity on Twitter (@buhakmeh). He also spends time experimenting with .NET and has many available sample repositories on GitHub.