Building resilient micro-services with Azure Service Fabric

Tue 03 Oct 2017 Itility, Eindhoven

Micro-services are a hot topic these days. Everybody talks about them and how to implement them.

If you dive into this world you will notice there are different options to host them, i.e. using some container based solution like Docker, Azure Container Services (or Container Instances) etc.

During this talk we will go through a slightly less familiar but very powerful option: Azure Service Fabric.

The Service Fabric is the system that is underlying Azure itself, and it's made available as a programming model for developers to create "Born in the Cloud" applications.

How do apps live, work, and scale beyond just running VMs or Web Apps in the cloud?


  • 17:30 - 18:30 Arrival and dinner
  • 18:30 - 19:15 Part 1 
  • 19:15 - 19:30 Break
  • 19:30 - 20:15 Part 2 
  • 20:15 - 21:00 - Drinks and socializing

Event Host

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Event Host

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Ronald Harmsen
Ronald Harmsen

Ronald has been active in professional software development since the mid-90s and has worked on lots of different projects and technologies. Currently he mainly works with the .NET stack, Azure, Angular 2 & TypeScript. He speaks at international conferences!

Ronald’s focus is on delivering well engineered and maintainable cloud based software, preferably by applying DDD & CQRS techniques.

Itility, Eindhoven

Flight Forum 3360
5657 EW  Eindhoven