Building high performance web applications with Preact

Thu 21 Sep 2017 Rockstars IT, Den Bosch

React is a well-known and popular library for building web applications. But what if you really performant web applications? In that case you want, amongst other things, to minimize your application size. And while the size of React.js is not huge by any standard it isn’t tiny either. Fortunately, there is a great alternative in Preact. With Preact you get almost the same API, in many cases React application can be executed with Preact without any change other than them becoming faster and smaller. In this session, Maurice de Beijer will show you how to get started with Preact and take full advantage of this super-fast and small library.


  • 17:30 - 18:30 Arrival and dinner
  • 18:30 - 19:15 Part 1 
  • 19:15 - 19:30 Break
  • 19:30 - 20:15 Part 2 
  • 20:15 - 21:00 - Drinks and socializing

Event Host

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Event Host

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Maurice Beijer
Maurice de Beijer

Maurice de Beijer is an independent software consultant and trainer. He specializes in JavaScript, React, Angular 2+ and ASP.NET MVC. His work includes a large, global, safety application for the oil and gas industry. Maurice is also active in the open source community. He teaches ECMAScript, TypeScript, React, Angular 4 and ASP.NET MVC courses. Since 2005, he has received Microsoft’s Yearly Most Valuable Professional Award. Further, Maurice is active in the Dutch dotNED user group and helps organize its meetings.

Rockstars IT, Den Bosch

Lekkerbeetjesstraat 8
5211 AL  Den Bosch