BBQ + All about AI and Machine Learning with Martin Opdam

Thu 17 May 2018 Aviva Solutions, Eindhoven

Artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly bigger role in the lives of everyone and that will only become more in the years to come. It is expected to have an enormous impact on everyone, both in our jobs as well is in our daily lives.

When I started reading about AI and discussing it with friends and colleagues, I was surprised that hardly any of them was aware of the current state of affairs and the possible consequences of this development. It's something that most people associate with science fiction; something that will never happen. But I don't think that is true. Why else would big companies like IBM, Google and Facebook invest huge amounts of money in this technology?

The first part of this session will be an interesting and entertaining overview of all the things you will come across when learning about AI. In a high pace and without going into technical details I will show how AI has evolved and what we might expect from it in the future.

After the break we will dive into the technique behind neural networks. Neural networks play a major role in the recent progress of AI. And even though there are many Machine Learning frameworks out there that you can use, it is important to understand the concepts behind these frameworks. I will implement a very simple neural network in C#. We will then train that network to learn to recognize handwritten digits. You will see that, once implemented, the algorithm behind it is surprisingly simple.

AI could help us solve big problems in the world, but according to some it could also be the prelude to the end of humanity. One thing is certain: it will have a major impact on the world around us. At the end of this session you might look at the future with different eyes.


  • 17:30 - 18:30 Walk-in and dinner (dinner is a BBQ!)
  • 18:30 - 19:15 Part 1
  • 19:15 - 19:30 Break
  • 19:30 - 20:15 Part 2
  • 20:15 - 21:00 Drinks and socializing

Event Host


Event Host



Martin Opdam
Martin Opdam
Aviva Solutions

Martin Opdam has worked as a software developer for the past 20 years. After his study of Applied Physics in 1998 he decided that his passion was more in software and he started working as a contractor for Ordina. He is currently employed by Aviva Solutions.

During his career as a software developer he worked on many different projects for different clients. What he likes most is to be part of a team of fellow professionals to realize high quality applications.

Last year he has gained a keen interest in artificial intelligence and everything related to it and he loves sharing his enthusiasm about this topic.

When he is not working he likes to go out for a run, spend time with his family, read a good book or just watch a movie.

Aviva Solutions, Eindhoven

Torenallee 20
5617 BC  Eindhoven